Matthew Astone
Matthew Astone, baritone, is the assistant principal at Lawton Chiles Elementary School in Orlando, Florida. He received a Master of Education in Educational Leadership from the American College of Education, a Bachelor of Music in Music Education from Westminster
Choir College and is originally from Falmouth, MA. Matthew is also a member of the Orlando Sings Symphonic Choir. Matthew works with educators from around the world to implement inquiry-based teaching and learning. Matthew has worked with choirs around Orlando and choirs under his direction received superior ratings at Music Performance Assessment. He has performed with such names as: Josh Groban, Celine Dion, and Andrea Bocelli. He has performed with The Berlin Philharmonic, The Philadelphia Orchestra and the New York Philharmonic. Matthew has sung in choirs under Sir Simon Rattle, Alan Gilbert and Yannick Nezet-Seguin.